One Thousand Gifts

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hot Summer Days

Summer Day SB web

Last week my sister and her two boys came to visit.

My two nephews are a whirlwind of energy, but I love it.

We took them outside to play some games.

They threw balloons into a chalkboard drawn target on the ground.

My girls were trying to show them how to play hopscotch.

And then we ended up taking them on a walk down the road. Bradley was peddling the same little tricycle that was Katie's when she was little.

Summer Day 01 web

 Caleb loved his wagon ride.

Summer Day 05 web
Summer Day 04 web

I believe Katie's tricycle has seen better days.

The front wheel bent on the way home and Bradley was unable to peddle it. Natalie took his place and rode it back home, Flinstone style.

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